Quote ~ The Phantom Tunnel of Shinjuku Station

“… The story goes that some commuters never make it home. They take a wrong turn, then another, get flustered, run down the wrong stairs and end up in the wrong elevator, until they find themselves quite alone in a quiet corridor, the soft boom of a distant underground train sounding somewhere far above them. They are never seen again.”

Beyond The Map, Alastair Bonnett

The most fascinating places are often also the most disturbing, entrapping, and appalling.  They are also often temporary.  In ten years’ time most of the places we will be exploring will look very different; many will not be there at all.  But just as biophilia doesn’t lessen because we know that nature is often horrible and that all life is transitory, genuine topophilia knows that our bond with places isn’t about finding the geographical equivalent of kittens and puppies.  This is a fierce love.  It is a dark enchantment.  It goes deep and demands our attention.

– Unruly Places: Lost Spaces, Secret Cities, and Other Inscrutable Geographies,  Alastair Bonnett